Animation Publishing – Owen’s Room

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After Effects has been quiet a doozy, but I made it through! In revamping my logo, I took some of your feedback and implemented the comments back into the effort of reinventing it as a purposeful creative idea.

One of the first things I did was to take the minimalistic approach. I stripped the complexity of the existing icon and implemented a geometric redesign. By doing this, the actual “room” becomes cohesive with the monochromatic color scheme of the text, thus unifying it entirely.

The decision to animate my text as if it were a sketched asset may give further context to it being a “publishing” company, because of course a viewer wouldn’t be able to gather that from the initial construction of the room.

Finally, I made the decision to not include music because it felt overstimulating and the simple noises I decisively went with were able to capture the amateur tone of the company as an originating business from my personal room.